Weight Change vs Bite Count


There is growing evidence that average daily bite count does relate to weight change over time. The following figures show data from 3 independent studies in which subjects (N=82, 40, and 39) used bite counting devices over multiple weeks (2, 16, and 26 weeks respectively). The relationship between average daily bite count and weight change per week was found to be between 0.00007 and 0.00020 lb/week per daily kilocalorie, indicating that as subjects consumed less bites they lost more weight. These slopes were not statistically significantly different from a fourth dataset in which doubly labeled water was used to measure average daily energy intake (also shown in the figure).

Clemson, slope = 0.00018 (R=0.09) MUSC, slope = 0.00020 (R=0.13) USC, slope = 0.00007 (R=0.10) CALERIE, slope = 0.00013 (R=0.22)
bite count bite count bite count doubly labeled water


The data for the above analyses is available in the following links:

The CALERIE dataset is stored at Duke University and is also freely available.

Bite Counter Project Page / Clemson / ahoover@clemson.edu